Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Oh dear...no heading for this one...speaks for itself.

Wow this week. Just straight wow. ETMs were here to help the area, we went from like 3 solid investigators to about 19! Gave away 4 boxes of Book of Mormons and 50 new future investigators. Holy. It was AWESOME! Elder Gonzales legit is hilarious... there just something about Elder Gonzaless.. 
Almost peed my pants last Monday... walking back to the pench, it was straight pain.. 1 more minute and I would've peed my pants. So my comp, clapped at a random door and asked if I could use his bathroom cause it was an emergency... cause it was.. BLESSINGS. ALL GOOD. jajaja that was funny. Tuesday, walking to the bus stop, we were greeted by this dude, musta been like 20.. kinda sketch... intending to rob us, asked us what we had, who we were type of deal, told him we represent Jesus Christ. And then he goes boom..visit me and my family!  I was like today? He was like "ya". Now he and his family are investigating!!! jajaja Happens quite regularly actually... with the people who try to rob us, we eventually run into again, and they end up taking the lessons jajajaja!! SUPER FUNNY!!

A testigo... AKA Jehovah's Witness, a contact, asked where I was from, and what language I spoke, then told me that he didn't understand me, and that he only understands Castillano (the local language - form of Spanish)... then had a 5 minute convo with him about Jesus... Have a nice day señor... jajaja fetch. Legit sometimes I'll say something is Español, they won't have a clue what I just said... and then my comp will repeat EXACTLY what I said, and they go "OOOOOHHHHH!" It's like for reals bruh? 

Blessings- Leaving the pench, I asked my comp if he had oil, he said nah, so we walked back a little and I ran to go get mine. Later in the day, a less active lady asked for a blessing for healing. The spirit really does speak to us!
This is litt!!!! About a month and a bit ago, I stopped to talk with this old lady, her name is Maria Matilda. She is awesome, and old. Not interested, but still amigos. Then early this week, she was outside, and I just felt like we should say hello. We talked for a bit and then a second later, where we would have been if we didn't stop, a car stopped, pulled a gun on this dude, and the other guy punched him and knocked him down, and took his backpack. The car, in less than 1 second, took off and disappeared. PS. the car was stolen too... Missionaries really are blessed with safety. And your prayers are really answered. Thank you for everyone who is praying for a missionary. Because for real. Blessings. 

A member has a little tiny vulcher thingy.. its weird jaja!

Eating breaky.. Frosted Flakes.. and I go to scratch my neck and guess what..? FETCHIN COCKROACH WAS CRAWLIN ON MEH!!! Oh my. I freaked.... legit.. 7 am and everyone thought I was dying... just a cucaracha... We litt him up.. with fire.. ugh. Gross. jajajajaja! Also, went from casi 1 lunch a week, to lunch and cena EVERYDAY this week!! it was awesome!! (1 lunch made by members of the ward each week - to a lunch and a dinner each day last week!  This is a big deal to missionaries!)

Idk if i mentioned the dog on the side of the road with no eyeballs... very much sad. 

Alphajores are the best thing ever!!!!!!! look them up. They are like glorified wagon wheels!!!!

I love you 

Elder Heinz❤

San ALberto plus ETMS

Elder Gonzales

Elder Barrios

Love his tie

OMAR my favorito

These must be the larvae from last week - on the CEILING...not the roof in the kitchen lol

Family and Alberto, Our Investigator

Monday, 20 March 2017

Language, larvi, and Gauchito Gil...and a poor, unfortunate kitty.

Wow. This week was straight RARO.... We went to visit one of our contacts again, so normally, we clap, and wait, and this perro (dog) comes running. He is so strange... he runs in perfect circles, barking at the same spot each time, and it's just really funny. But this time was different... he had a kitten in his mouth...a dead kitten. While he was running it would just bounce in his mouth. My heart broke. While talking to this lady at her gate, the perro finally put the kitten down... right in eye sight.. it was looking at me... while I was trying to preach to this lady. I didn't know what to do!!!!! Not funny. 

Pastors are straight up rude. They hate Mormons. There are some pretty scary religions here, like worshipping the devil, witchcraft, potions, and animal sacrifices and who know what else.. they chant, and stuff too... but scripture power keeps me safe from sin, and scary things!

They have an Argentino Robin Hood. His name is Gauchito Gil. He's a God here. People worship him. They have these little doll houses all over with a statue of him. He's basically Nocho Libre. They worship Nocho Libre. It's kinda ridiculous!! Jajaja but it's their culture, so its cool!! (It's a cool story that dates back to the 1800's...google it!)

Teaching English is struggggllllleeee.... only because I mess up Spanish. Two words this week I messed up... first was the 'b' word, and then I was trying to say 'page', but I wasn't speaking properly and said 'vagina' instead.... yeah thank goodness only my comp heard that one. But com'on Elder Lew, step up your game!!!!

Intercambios con Elder Brown!! (Exchanges with Elder Brown) He's from Utah, and he's super litt!!! He's in Villegas, which is like super villa. No paved roads, but it's such an amazing area!! Gun shot last night!! When we went proselyting, we found some kids playing football (soccer), and we challenged them. If we scored, they had to listen to us!!!! They beat us... but they still listened!! Super cool way to contact!! The kids here are so nice jaja I love them!!! 

There was about 53 larvi on our roof in the kitchen... I got bored of counting because they kept moving.... but I think they are all dead now... 

TACO BELL!! (Not really...he just cooks things that taste similar..) Made some more taco things... closest thing to Taco Bell!!!!

The next two weeks we have misionaries coming called ETMs.  They are like specialists, and they just help with the work and boost everything! So 6 chicos in our pench... (6 guys living in the same flat for 2 weeks!)  Going to be crazy. Who's going to win the next game of monopoly?

I'm going to look for a bug net, or maybe extra strong raid. It's fall here. It's like perfect weather!!!!!! (And apparently the mosquitoes die down during the fall! Yay for Lewy!)

Also the almost getting kidnapped by the gay dude.... I was on intercambios with the zone leaders, and we were at a lunch.. and the relitives (don't know this one...I'm asking him...maybe investigators) were over. This one guy was sitting by me. Elder Hyde told me, just laugh, smile, and say 'si'. So I did. It worked perefctly. But he kept rubbing and touching my arm during lunch and staring at me. Then he leaned over, grabbed my head, and kissed it. jajaja It was like ahhh what!? After the awkward, uncomfotable lunch, we were waitng to leave. He started making jokes about kidnapping me...and then when nobody was looking he grabbed my arm and started to pull me outside. I GRABBED the arm of Elder Hyde and pulled him out with me jajajajaja!!! It was quite the experience. We left, then went to a lesson and that was good. Lots of creepy stuff in the villas....


I love you❤❤

Elder Heinzlmeir

Dont know what this is.(I do...it's a giant grasshopper)

These were my wounds from the bed bugs whom I'm now BFFs with. Amigos4Siempre

Classic Canadian.

2 sweaters, Mittens and a facha Canadian. And 3 Latinos.

Didnt specifically mean for the photos to line up... But TACOS!! I ate alot..Also cooked the beef for like half hour. 

Quintana is there somewhere... Always Manaos.

That one time and times to come where i taught and will teach this famous barber who cuts hair all over South America, English. For free facha haircuts. 

This Pizza was really good, minus the olives... But it was chill

It tastes the same if yall were wondering

Pizza Roma in Lomus! Elder FigDig went to the hospital. Pollen.

Has his own Meme "Looking for new, sleeping missionary."

Canada swag hitten you from Argentine. 

I think the awkward 'narry' is hitten me hadrer then I thought....

Monday, 13 March 2017

Raw meat...and mozzies...big ones!

This week was like super good and like super sketch jajaja, My trainer is from Chile, and the two other elders I live with are from Chile and Paraguay. It's fun. jajaja OPTIMISM! Thank you for the story about the sisters and patience, cause seriously, sometimes it's just so hard to be patient, because you want to help the people, but you can't because you can't say anything or understand what they are saying..but patience. (I related a story to him about a Sister missionary from Taiwan who trained at the Provo MTC before coming to Calgary area to serve her mission.  She had no English pre-mission and was supposed to be in the MTC for a longer stretch to learn the language, but they sent her to the mission after only 12 days of training!  She said she had no clue what was being said and she couldn't say anything for 3 months...then it all seemed to just 'click' and she was speaking and understanding.  Lewis is a perfectionist, and not being able to completely understand and speak Spanish has been discouraging, but he is doing well...with the odd 'bump' in the road (see below, lol).  Another month and he'll be really loving the language and feeling a new sense of belonging down there in Argentina!)

This week I mixed up the words 'awesome', and 'castrate'. Yup, that happened. Prime. Also had to ninja flip raw meat off my plate to my hand under the table to then throw into the bushes..without the family that fed us the raw meat seeing... it's all good jajaja but I ain't gunna eat raw beef... no thanks😂    

And oh I embarrassed myself two weeks in a row at church. I'm convinced I don't know how to play piano. During Sacrament, I played the wrong hymn... for the sacrament. I wondered why it was so joyful and happy... and then I was curious why no one was singing, and it was like halfway done..... and then someone got up.. and told me.. jajajajaja oh mom.... 

Yeah I held a tribal council with the bedbugs that were biting me, and now we are one. The bed bugs were so bad, the bites turned purple!!!! I thought for reals I had leprosy... but it's all good! The bites are big because there are just so many beside each other. 

Also mosquitos... are real. ugh They are a lot bigger here. It's like, do I sleep with the mosquito smoke by my bed and risk loosing brain cells, or do I get bit.... it's a tough question.  Still workin' on that one... I'll keep you updated. 

I'm here for at least 12 more weeks. More of training, but less then 4 weeks with my trainer because the ETM's are coming for two weeks. They are special missionaries who come and boost the missionary work.  They are like the specialists kinda deal!! So this transfer is gunna zooooooom by! and after that I'll stay one more here, or maybe two more if I train! 

All the kids letters are so cute!!

I'll share my investigators stories, when they have endings to them!! 

Also, I'm writing a paper on what I'm studying and then I'm going to send that home for you guys  to see!!!!

I will caption my photos jajaja, not promising they will make sense though...

All my love!

Elder Heinzlmeir

Friday, 3 March 2017

Churritos, calles and helado!

JAJAJA soooo the flippen Churritos stole my flippen pen. UGH! it had like 3 months of life left!!!!!! I just bought it too!! Churrito is like a niño churro, which is a gangster, so like they're not scary, just annoying. (hmm An annoying 'gangster' but not dangerous...I think it's a young boy perhaps) Also got flashed TWICE by them... that was interesting. They are so annoying!! I gave a less active lady a blessing, in English... because Spanish is hard, but I mean it was still pretty well! The calles (streets) turn into rivers when it rains... like straight up, I was like I was walking upstream in a river. 

Earlier this week it rained sooooo much! Two days...completely soaking wet jaja it was fun though. Singing hymns in the streets. The rest of the days were SOOOO HOT! I feel like I got 2.8 shades darker. Yeah, I know jaja. I'm starting to teach an ESL class so that will be fun!! Ordered some pizza, that was pretty yummy!! The cockroaches are disgusting. Also I don't know what keeps biting me at night, but I have little red dots, everywhere... sooo like it's chill, but  mean please stop biting me...(Eeeks...bedbugs?)  Español is coming, people can kind of understand me, if not, they just say straight up they have no idea what I said.. it's okay though-- no hard feelings jaja!! ICE CREAM!! Helado!!!! ahhhh its soooo good here, especially when its hot. Lots of stories of investigators, but I will share these when the story is finished!!!!! So stay tuned!!! 

Hair cut today, 

Love you all


Elder Heinzlmeir

I think he loves the sunrises...sunsets?

Yes, Lewis would find this funny...it is sort of funny

Pretty sure this is NOT his own bathroom, but he hasn't sent me captions yet...