Well this week started off LITT!!! Ate burritos. Cause yes, any Mexican missionary, at least one time a transfer will make a feast of Mexican food. They were SOOOO good. Viva Mexico.
And then Tuesdays had transfers with Elder Brown!!!! for about 6 hours... and had to end them cause I had to go over to Adroge for paperwork for my Visas... had to wake up extra early for that.. YAY!!!! But they were fun, adventures as always, and Elder Cahoon bought facturas... so it was all worth it!!!
Every Saturday we wake up at 6, and go play futbol with some members!! It's pre fun. It's always Canada vs. South Amarica!!!!!
Transfers are in two weeks, and there's a good chance that mi papanua will leave me. I'll probably stay another transfer here! But thats okay because just this past Sunday someone remembered my name!!!! I call that progress!!!!!!!
ONLY GOT YELLED AT TWICE THIS WEEK!! YES!! It's okay, I don't really understand when they yell anyway, in my head I just imagine they are telling me I'm a lovely son of God. Yes, I am!!!!!
We had pizza at Hna Cotos house! So yummy!! The members gave us tons of chocolate!! It's super sweet of them!! They obsess over easter festivities. Easter this year was in Español. Different, but still great!!!
Today for pday we just played some more Futbol, so that was pre litt.
It's cold. Who knew, right? A country that literally has a sun in the middle of the flag, gets cold. But yay for Hot Nesquik.
Not too much for sketchiness this week, it was more so chill. Also, here attached is the video how I'm learning Español. Applies to everyone. Please enjoy, and listen to its teachings. (lol, it's an animated video on how we should drink 8 glasses of water a day!)
Theres a bunch of little tiny Argentinos starring hardcore at the monitor right now. Don't know if it's the english... or maybe I got some weird thing on the back of my head.
Didn't have hot water this morning. But all was well. I hope my neighbours didn't mind my yelling.... jajajaja
Hey, go do something adventurous this week.
Spiritual note, You don't have to go far to FIND your testimony. Because you have it. You just have to learn how to UNDERSTAND it. Never give up on yourself. Even when you feel like throwing in the towel, keep it. It might come in handy.
Challenge. This week, think about one person who you might be able to make smile. Who needs some words of love. And Take the time to go see them, and tell them face to face how cared and loved they are.
Elder Brown and a Manaos |
Elder Bautista. Yes the same like Toronto Blue Jays |
Its like a Taco, but he called them burritos |
He asked if i was cold, I said yes |
This was early... |
Fua!!!! MAIL!!!!! |
Nesquik, banana milk... it was gross. but still drank it |
Our mugs. Its how we bond. |